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If Your Car is Overheating, Bring It to Your Yardley Mechanic as Soon as Possible

There could be any number of reasons why your engine is overheating, but the main cause usually involves the cooling system failing to some extent. If your car is overheating, bring it to your Yardley mechanic as soon as possible. Here are some reasons your car is overheating.

There could be a leak in the cooling system. A cooling system leak is by far the most common reason your car suffers overheating. The leak could be from any number of places, the radiator, hoses, water pump and freeze plugs top name just a few. In order to find the leak, we will perform a pressure test.

You could have a faulty thermostat that is causing your car to overheat. The thermostat in your car responds to the engine temperature, opening when the radiator fluid gets hot enough. If it gets stuck, your engine will overheat.

There are any number of blocked passages that would cause your car to overheat. Rust, dirt and other debris can impede coolant flow and cause problems. There are also other contaminants that can cause premature failure of your cooling system.

A radiator fan that wobbles, has broken blades or just doesn’t work is yet another reason for cooling system failure.

Your cooling system consists of a number of hoses that carries engine coolant throughout the engine. If any of these hoses has cracks or splits and leaks, it causes a disruption in the flow of coolant and the engine will overheat.

These are just a few causes of engine overheating.